
Дубай во мне

5 Ноябрь 2010 //  кинул в видео + ссылки


The film was shot on location in 2009 and deals with the business model of Dubai. It includes footage of the online platform second life as well as DVD material gathered at the 2008 citiscape real estate fair in Dubai. It shows similarities of those rendered realities with the real world in Dubai. It has a special focus on «the world» island developement, and it was partially shot there.
On the other hand, it’s searching for a description of the real work conditions in Dubai. the film is including quotes by the french philosopher Jaques Rancière, reflecting on how to make a documentary film. The film ends with an epilogue, shot in the greenhouses of Almeria and near the six meter high fence of Melilla/Spain, showing similarities of a global business modell found in Europe as well. In this sense, «the Dubai is in all of us».

Idea and camera by Sebastian Lütgert and Christian von Borries (!).
Translation from hindu and urdu by Nida Ghouse.
Editing by Ute Adamczewski and Christian von Borries.

Filmed on location in Dubai and Spain.

Additional quotes by Jacques Rancière from his lecture at Arsenal Berlin, September 24, 2009.

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